Wednesday, December 2, 2009

#98 - "Dallas" - Season 11, Episode 26

So we start things out with Ray and that Connie tramp awaking “the morning after” in some bed, presumably hers, although this is not verified. They obviously had some alcohol-infused fun last night, and as Ray realizes this he tries to skedaddle out the door. The slut tries to stop him.

Connie: “Your marriage is over!”

Ray: “I didn’t say that.”

Then he stupidly tries to leave some money on the dresser, like THAT move is going to calm the situation.

Connie: “You think I’m a whore!” (This girl is very dramatic.)

Ray: “Gotta go, see ya.”

Cut to Bobby and the evil, bribe-seeking Senator O’Dell. The senator still wants his castle. Bobby lets him know that the price is too high. The senator dismisses him and lets Bobby find his own way out.

Over at South Fork, JR is tormenting Clayton. “You cheated on Momma and there’s that homicide thing, but I admire your taste in bed partners.” Clay is not pleased with this conversation, telling JR “Don’t push your luck!” in an angry voice. Of course, no one really believes Clayton will actually do anything, but it’s nice to think that maybe JR paused for two seconds before venturing out the door to destroy the career of yet another person he doesn’t like.

Bobby calls secretary Phyllis, and asks her to find all the scoop she can on Senator O’Dell. Phyllis hops right to it. Then Kay waltzes in to wherever Bobby is making the phone call, and they get all mushy-faced. Not really buying their relationship at all. Have I mentioned that?

Casey drops by Pill-Poppin Cliff’s office. Casey: “The Westar stock went up. I’d like to work with you.” (What these things have to do with each other, I really don’t know.) Cliff, chewing on another pill: “Just what do you want?” Casey babbles about the dusty Tulsa land that Daddy left him. Cliff: “Send me a map.”

Really Cliff? The piece of crap land that JR didn’t want? Of course, maybe you don’t know that part. And even if you do, your little pill friends might be making you not care.

JR shows up at Laurel’s apartment, belching fake apologies.

Laurel: “I’m going home. I’m sick of the reporters.” (What reporters? We haven’t seen any since the last episode, and you weren’t in that scene.)

JR: “I’ve got a place you can stay. Of course, I’m doing this for Clayton.” (Right.)

Laurel: “Okay, give me two days and I’ll be ready.” (You fool. And what do you need to do that’s going to take two days? You were about to leave for England five minutes ago.)

Then Brett Lomax, the Ex, comes walking in. He’s all snotty to JR (good), but JR doesn’t care. He’s already set his trap for Laurel and he’s quite happy. He heads out of the apartment. Then stops outside the door to eavesdrop.

Laurel: “I’m NOT having an affair with ANYONE.”

Brett: “NO ONE is going to get in my way.”

Oh? JR’s eyes light up with this revealing tidbit, then off he goes.

Cut to South Fork, where it’s dinner time, and JR and Bobby are bickering with each other. (It’s amazing how quickly Bobby gets back and forth between Dallas and Washington, isn’t it?) Then JR bitches for a little bit about Clayton. We learn nothing in this scene, they should have saved the money for something else.

Later, Ellie’s in her room, and Clay stops by. He’s a little miffed that Ellie didn’t stop by to say goodnight. (I guess it’s slipped Clay’s mind that Ellie is still very mad at him.) Ellie doesn’t want to talk, which causes Clay to lose his cool a little bit. “I’m a pariah around here! Are we together or not?”

Miss Ellie gets all crinkled up on cue, and fesses that she wants him here, that she doesn’t want a divorce. She’s just very hurt and it will take time for the scars to heal. Clay: “But do you love me?” Ellie: “I do.” Then they dramatically clench and kiss.

Thank GOD that secondary plot line is now over, with Ellie’s trumped up scorn and fury over something that Clayton didn’t even do. Miss Ellie NEVER stays mad for very long. If she did, she would have had JR institutionalized years ago.

Sue Ellen is at her office, pretending to study some report that’s really blank, when Nick arrives.

Sue: “I’m ready to buy Westar stock. Thirty million dollars worth.” (Like this is pocket change to her.)

Nick, trying to hide his disappointment: “There’s no other reason that you needed to see me?”

Sue: “Nope. YOU’RE the one that put US on hold.”

Fine. Nick: “Don’t buy the stock, it’s too high.”

Sue: “I want the stock. I want to stop JR.”

Nick: “You’re willing to risk everything to get what you want?”

Sue Ellen stares at him pointedly for a moment, then pretends to be interested in the blank report again. “Yes. Buy the stock.” Dismissed.

Quick scene where JR meets Harry outside some restaurant. Harry has spotted Brett inside. JR rushes in and has a pointless conversation. (Brett: “You’re rather a crude type.” JR: “Laurel is not leaving town.”) Brett leaves in disgust. Harry and a photographer come rushing out of the bushes, apparently having taken pictures of Brett. They are all very excited about this.

Cut to Bobby’s office, where Phyllis is explaining that she couldn’t find a thing on Senator O’Dell. Maybe JR has the files. Bobby is sad. He really wanted to find something he could use against O’Dell. Phyllis sighs (these dang Ewing men), then cheerfully asks Bobby what the difference is between O’Dell wanting a bribe and Bobby wanting to blackmail him with old dirt? Bobby looks even more sad. Phyllis goes to make coffee.

Now we’re at Ray’s house, where Connie shows up again. (Does she live down the street? What’s going on here?) Connie: “I’m more than a one-night stand. I know you haven’t heard from Jenna.” (Has she tapped the phone line?) Ray: “Let’s go to dinner.” Connie squeals and they rush out the door.

Stupid Ray.

Cut to Cliff’s condo, where April knocks on the door, sporting a hideous Gloria Swanson turban thing for no apparent reason. The camera briefly lands on the coffee table, letting us know that Cliff is reading a book entitled “Oil, Sex and Power.” (What the hell?) April: “We have a lot to talk about. The Ewings are taking us both on a ride.” Then they start drinking and bonding. Still no explanation for the turban.

Then we have Bobby staring into a fireplace, presumably at South Fork, but you never know, he could already be back in Washington again. It’s been at least ten minutes since we’ve see him.

JR walks up. “We haven’t talked lately.”

Bobby: “We haven’t had a civilized relationship in a long time.”

JR: “I wanna share offices again. I miss you. You know that Daddy always wanted us to work together.”

Bobby’s obviously not buying this. “That’s very nice. Now, what do you really want? You want something from me.”

Another quick scene, this one showing a drunken Ray and Connie tumbling into her bed once again. Great.

Then Bobby’s in Washington again. (See? You turn your back to get another beer and that boy is in a different city.) He’s meeting with Senator O’Dell, and is being rude, fully expecting that Bobby is going to give him the castle he wants. “I know you had your secretary search your files. I know how this works. Did you bring the deed?”

Bobby: “Of course I did. But it’s a 99-year trust. And it starts the day I get the Ewing Oil name back.” Then Bobby just smiles.

Laurel’s at her shiny new apartment that JR has arranged for her, when he knocks on the door, grinning with his news: Harry found two witnesses using the photographs they snapped of Brett Lomax. Turns out, Brett is the one who actually killed David Shulton, slipping into the apartment after Clayton had left and finishing the job. Hurray!

Laurel: “I can’t believe it. I’m so grateful!”

Then JR moves in for the kill. “Harry’s holding Brett at the airport, waiting on a call from me. If I don’t get what I want, he’ll let Brett go.” He starts pawing Laurel.

She’s outraged, and starts to fight back. JR: “If you don’t do this, Clayton will go to jail.” He starts ripping at her clothes.

JR is just the nicest guy, isn’t he? Bastard.

Cut to Dr. Styles in the little war room at his mansion, where an assistant comes racing up with the news that Sue Ellen Ewing just bought a big-ass chunk of Westar stock.

Dr. Styles: “Oh my God, that’s terrible!”

Then Kimberly waltzes in, like she’s at a fashion show in Paris. “Great news. She’s going to vote on OUR side.”

Dr. Styles: “Everybody! Gather around. We’ve won!”

Then he promptly collapses to the ground, and it doesn’t look good. Kimberly, given this great dramatic moment to show her acting chops with a wrenching, emotional performance, instead confirms that she will not be winning an Emmy this year. She’s terrible.

Final scene is at South Fork, where JR tells Clayton and the rest of the gang about his glorious involvement in identifying Brett Lomax as the real killer, and that Clayton won‘t be going to the slammer. That his only motive in this was to keep the family together. Miss Ellie beams at her loving son with tear-filled eyes. The rest of the clan is not so beaming, certain that there’s more to the story, but they act happy anyway.

JR: “You have no idea what getting Clayton off the hook meant to me.” Then he smiles.


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