Sunday, June 28, 2009

#15 - "Dallas" - Season 11, Episode 14

So anyway, JR (no surprise) is somehow behind Lisa showing up and wanting to snatch the sullen Christopher. Not really sure how much or why, but he IS paying for Lisa's apartment, so he's obviously very serious about this.

Speaking of JR, he finds out that Casey Denault has been dealing behind his back, so there are a series of scenes with JR plotting to get revenge, and stupid Casey falls into the trap, clueless. Kind of boring subplot. It's very clear that Andrew Stevens was not brought in to the show for any specific purpose other than the hope that restless viewers will go "Hey, it's the guy from that Fury movie!" and keep watching the show just for that.

Random thought: What is up with the Benihana doors leading into JR's office? There's nothing else on this set that is remotely Asian-inspired (unless Sue Ellen walks in sporting a leather outfit and that odd "pony tail on top of the head" look), so what gives? I keep expecting those doors to be flung open, and some guy with machetes will wheel in a flaming cart of sizzling meat and begin serving dinner to JR, Sly and 12 complete strangers drunk on saki.

Cliff drops by Lisa's apartment and tries to buy her off with a blank check. She tears the check up and gets all emotional and rude. Translation: she's done her homework and JR has more money. Next.

Bobby fesses up to his lawyer that he did indeed BUY Christopher before he adopted him. The lawyer is not pleased, and I assume some underling at the firm will be fired just because it will make the lawyer feel better. Poor little underling.

Bobby stumbles upon April drunk in a bar, because there's only one bar in Dallas, right? April is all nasty about Bobby not wanting her and storms out. Naturally, by the end of the episode, this ploy has worked and it appears that Bobby and April are moving toward "item" status.

But April, sweetie, just last episode you were curled up with Nicholas Pearce. Granted, you were crying and not looking your best, but there WAS touching.

Maybe Nicholas is distracted by other things and April is not on his mind. Sue Ellen shows up at Nick's apartment, and has the audacity to admire a picture of what is apparently a young Nicholas and some other boys and/or brothers. Nicholas does not react well, is rude, and whisks Sue Ellen out of the room.

Dude, if you don't want people looking at that picture, why the hell are you putting it out there for all to see. The writers have really got to move this story along so we can have the big reveal about Nicholas' shady past. Just do it.

Over at the House of Ray and Jenna pretending to like each other even though no one really buys it, their daughter Charly is increasing her activities with new boyfriend Randy. Jenna is concerned, and counsels Charly to slow down. Ray is concerned, and tries to intimidate and slightly threaten Randy.

Randy is, of course, played by a very young Brad Pitt. Who will one day be more popular than anyone else in the scene, anyone else on the set, and anyone in Dallas. Yay!

Okay, finally, the JR and Kimberly thing. Kimberly is very clear that she wants JR to leave Sue Ellen for her. JR tap dances, he's really more interested in Kimberly's father, who owns all that Westar stock. Kimberly arranges a meeting between the two.

At said meeting, we learn that Daddy will do anything for his daughter. And that he doesn't really care for her current husband, the odd and egotistical one with blonde hair. And if JR could just MARRY Kimberly, Daddy might help JR become the king of everything again. JR and his cowboy boots shuffle off into the night, full of dastardly dreams. (Sue Ellen, honey, refill all of your prescriptions NOW!)

Then we cut to Kimberly on a balcony over the meeting room, pleased and praising Daddy for his actions.

Has JR stepped into something more than he can handle? Gawd I hope so.

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