Wednesday, August 5, 2009

#41 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 12

We start with Russell in the Diary Room, saying he put up Ronnie to see where the loyalties are in the house. Okay, maybe that was your plan, but since you done put the boy up you better make sure he goes out. Because if he doesn't, you're in a big ole mess.

Ronnie in the Diary Room: "I do have allies in the house." Temporary allies, Darth. They may give you a break now because you've helped them stomp on other people. No way are they taking you to the end, you deluded twit.

Jeff in the Diary Room: "Jordan and I are gonna lay low for the week." Smart decision. Stick to it. Get some rest and take some quality time. Maybe teach Jordan how to tell time.

Ronnie goes to Russell in the HOH Room, fake crying and all, swearing loyalty, yet the dumbass is still throwing out lies left and right that even a doorknob would know is total crap. Later in the Diary Room, Russell says he didn't buy it for a minute.

Quick scene with Chima gushing about how Russell is totally hot, then cut to her wallering around on his bed and pawing on him, while he fiddles with the remote for the monitor that shows the rest of the house. Can't tell if he's thinking she's hot or if he wishes she would go skank somewhere else. Did you ever notice that Russell basically only has one facial expression?

Russell says he really wants Ronnie out, and Chima says you're the HOH and I'll do what you want. Then the wench launches into why Lydia should be the one to go and WILL NOT shut up about it. Then she pauses to briefly repeat that she will do what he wants, then launches again about Lydia. This girl is a trip. Can't stand her.

Jessie in the Diary Room: "I think Ronnie's a stand-up guy." With all the lying Ronnie has done? That you KNOW he's done? And you're still going to make that statement? All those muscles, not a brain cell anywhere to be found.

Natalie corners Michelle, trying to get her to vote for Lydia over Ronnie. (Michelle: "I don't trust him." Good for her.) Then Jessie comes along and tries to push Michelle as well. That's real fair. Gang up on the geeky science girl who doesn't have any social skills.

As we're picking players for the POV competition, Natalie makes a comment that Lydia is just a floater. Hello? Hey Natalie, have you looked that word up in the dictionary? Cause there's a picture of you right there.

Then we have the actual competition, one of those "guess how many things there are" deals, and Michelle manages to win. Second POV in a row. Heyyy. Later in the Diary Room, Michelle is all psyched. "I have all the power this week." Which is true. She's got the POV, and she's the swing vote in the house. Good for her. Nobody's been especially nice to her, even though she hasn't done a damn thing to anybody.

Ronnie races to Michelle and trys to work her. She's very cool about it, promising nothing. "We'll talk."

Then Natalie comes to the conclusion that "Michelle is shady." Have you noticed a pattern with Natalie? She hates everyone the second she suspects that they might not agree with her in any way. This is what the BB producers get for inviting someone into the house who hasn't even reached puberty yet.

Michelle chats with Russell in the HOH Room, and they seem to be bonding. Michelle scores big points with two lines: "Natalie can't win anything" and "I wanna be on your team". Hmm. Is Russell slowly pulling together a secret team? And with Russell, Jeff and Michelle on that team so far, I think I can get behind that. Me likey.

Natalie and Jessie are freaking out about how long Russell and Michelle are chatting in the HOH Room. What can they possibly be talking about? Jessie: "He's not that interesting, nor is she." Okay, first, does Jessie really think that by throwing in words like "nor" in his conversation that we will really believe that he is smart? And second, Natalie is not smart, so she has no clue what you just said.

Natalie runs to Ronnie and tells him that he has to convince Michelle to save him. (News flash to Natalie: I'm thinking he's somewhat aware of this.)

Ronnie does go to Michelle, and the asinine jerk actually threatens Michelle. "You will be evicted if you don't save me. You will not win." Although I shouldn't be by this point, I'm stunned by his psychotic arrogance. I just hope Michelle doesn't turn all sheepy and actually fall for his dementia.

A few scenes with Jessie worried that Michelle might use the veto and Russell will put HIM on the block. Then dude, quit trying to harass Michelle into using the veto to save Ronnie. Let him go home. Can you sit still for two seconds and try to be intelligent about this?

Then we have Russell, Chima, Jessie and Natalie in the HOH Room. Chima is being a total bitch. Natalie is just being stupid. Only Jessie seems to be listening to Russell on why he wants to send Ronnie home.

Later in the courtyard, Russell fesses up to Jessie that he is sick of Chima, and is thinking of putting her up on the block if the veto is used. Oh? I'm all for Chima sailing back to whatever royal family she thinks she comes from, but now is not the time.

Quick scene with Jessie and Natalie trying to tell Chima to cool it. "THIS can turn into something." Shut up, girl.

Chima and Ronnie, with Chima ripping Russell apart. Happily enough, Russell is outside the room and hears everything. Jessie and Natalie are also outside the room, and see Russell doing all this hearing. When Russell wanders off, they stampede into the room with Chima and Ronnie.

Jessie and Natalie are very clear with Chima. "Don't go down with him," meaning Ronnie. And they are saying this in FRONT of Ronnie. This is every interesting. Tells me that people realize Ronnie is the one going home this week. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I'm thinking maybe the BB producers weren't so careful this time and we got to see more of a scene than we normally would. Just a thought.

So we get to the actual POV Ceremony. Michelle, in the part where they let the nominees plead their case, says to Ronnie "I'm gonna give you the chance to lie first." Thinking I might really like Michelle now.

Ronnie babbles some kind of crap, and still insists on throwing in a slight threat. Lydia, surprisingly, is kinda bitchy herself, not taking the opportunity to woo anybody. (If I wasn't so ready for Ronnie to leave, I'd actually be pushing for Lydia to get the boot, seriously.)

Michelle, stretching out the drama, finally decides to not use the POV.

I leap off the couch and high-five everything around me. The cat, clearly unimpressed with my actions and slightly offended, races to the back of the house and hides for two hours.

Final shot with Ronnie in the Diary Room. He still thinks this is Star Wars, still thinks he is running the house, and is still not on the same planet that we are.

Bye, Ronnie. Don't let the light sabre hit you in the ass on your way out.

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