Tuesday, August 25, 2009

#63 - Big Brother - Season 11, Episode 21

We pick up right after the nominations, with Jeff making an aside to Russell that "I did wanna hear a 'thank you, Jeff'" Oh? No thank you? Russell, dude, that's one thing you should know by now about BB. You ALWAYS say thank you when your key is pulled at the Nomination Ceremony, but especially if you had a strong chance at going up. It's just good business.

Russell in the Diary Room: "I was very surprised at the nominations." So did you think you should have gone up? Hmm.

Later, Russell and Jeff in a conversation. Russell: "I'll never put you up and I'll never vote against you." Dude, part two, don't say that at this point in the game. Statements like that will burn you when there are only 6 people left and anything can happen.

Jeff in the Diary Room: Still pissed that he used the Coup d'Etat to save Russell, and Russell still voted to keep Jessie.

Scene with Natalie and Kevin pushing Jordan for a final-four deal. Jordan in the Diary Room: "I trust them more than Russell." Poor thing. But at least you look pretty.

Jeff and Jordan in the HOH Room, with Jeff surprisingly getting harsh with Jordan about her needing to be more focused. There's some truth to that angle, but the delivery was too abrasive. Where is that coming from? Jordan ends this round by saying "you worry about yourself and I'll worry about me." More to come.

Russell buzzing at the HOH Room and getting no response. WE can see that Jordan and Jeff are just asleep, but of course Russell thinks they are just ignoring him and hits another paranoia peak. He races to the courtyard to dish with Michelle. "Do you think they are gonna backdoor one of us?"

Scene with most of the houseguests in the courtyard, lounging, and Jordan asks Kevin, in a very considerate way, if she can ask a few questions about being gay. (There's something very comforting about Southern charm and manners, just sayin.) Kevin opens up, and everyone is very supportive. (Did I spy Russell taking notes?) Kevin in the Diary Room, commenting on the support: "I wish the WHOLE WORLD was like this."

Amen, sister brother. Because we're not there yet. Many miles to travel.

Michelle visits Jeff in the HOH Room to talk strategy. Jordan is there, but she's got headphones on and is clearly listening to some music. Michelle asks flat out: "Who's going home?" Jeff waffles a bit, depends on how the Veto plays, blah blah. Then Michelle wanders off.

So Jeff then snaps at Jordan for not participating in the conversation. She's all, hello, I had the headphones on, I didn't know what you were talking about. He's mad because apparently she was supposed to rip the headphones off and jump into a discussion that did not directly involve her. It gets heated.

Michelle wanders back in on the tail end of this, and gives Jordan a hug, saying "I'm sorry." This sets Jeff off, and he snaps at Michelle as well, all bent out of shape. (Kudos to mousey Michelle for saying "Well, you get kind of mean sometimes.")

Just WHAT is up Jeff's butt this episode?

They get back to gameplay strategy, and Michelle slips up by saying something like "glad we're safe" (meaning her and Russell). Oopsy. Jeff latches on to that and runs with it. "Why are you always saying 'us' instead of 'I'?" Fair question. Michelle looks appropriately flummoxed, makes sure she says "I" in her final statement, then she wanders off again.

Jordan with Natalie and Kevin, telling them that they are 100% safe. Girl, don't tell them that. Those two will twist it around and use that against you the first chance they get. Jordan leaves, and Natalie and Kevin are all "We've got to get them!", meaning Jeff and Jordan. Kevin further confirms this in the Diary Room: "We are gonna stab them in the back!"

Then we get to the Veto Competition, and this one involves a giant, messy jungle full of bananas with various houseguest names on the bananas. The object is to listen to a clue, figure out which houseguest they are talking about, then race to find the appropriate banana and not be the last one back up this steep, slippery incline.

Natalie is the first one out. ("I can't win ANYTHING." Exactly. So why are you still here?) Then Russell is out, followed by Kevin and Michelle. Jeff wins. He has HOH and POV. The game is now his to either fine-tune or totally screw up.

Quick scene with Kevin and Jeff, with Kevin asking Jeff to take him off the block. Hey, never hurts to ask, right? Something the next houseguest should take to heart:

Russell in the Diary Room: "I haven't asked Jeff directly who he's putting up." (Why the hell not? People, this is the number one rule in BB that folks should follow but most can't figure this out: DON'T sit on your ass and cross your fingers. Talk to people. Find out what's going on. You may get lied to, but at least you tried.) Russell does promise that there will be hell to pay if he's nominated.

Natalie and Kevin meet with Jeff, and both swear 100% that they will not even put him up. Of course they're completely lying. They fully intend to go after Jeff.

Russell and Michelle in the courtyard. Russell: "I won't forget this stress Jeff has put us through?" Um, did you not read what I just said about it's your own dumbass fault for not talking to Jeff? The stress is entirely of your own making. Russell: They think Chima was bad? If either of us go up, it's on.

Russell, did you forget what finally happened to Chima? Just sayin.

But Russell then brings up a good point. If Jeff doesn't play this just right, then next week Jeff could face 3 people in the house against him and Jordan. With Jeff unable to play for HOH, so the hope would be on Jordan to win. Love ya, Jordan, but those are some pretty bad odds.

So we get to the Veto Ceremony, and the two nominees make their little speeches. Natalie is actually decent, if you think she can help you get closer to the end, then save me. Kevin, he's not so honest. "I've been playing straightforward in this game." Uh, no you have not. Your lied to Jeff, even though your words were true in another context. But you did not hear what you told Jeff you heard.

So at this point, even though I'm no fan of Natalie, if Jeff is going to pull a backdoor, he should save Natalie and not Kevin. (Then again, Kevin asked to be saved, Natalie did not. Communication, people!)

Jeff pulls Kevin, and puts Russell up. Jeff to Russell: "I couldn't get past the Jessie vote." (Fair enough, Russell should not have voted to keep Jessie after Jeff saved his ass.) And "You're too close to Michelle." (Not so fair, Jeff. You're a little bit close with Jordan, wouldn't you say?)

Jeff in the Diary Room: "I expect fireworks." And fireworks you shall get.

Michelle in the Diary Room: "I gotta separate myself from Russell or I'm going up next week." Not if he doesn't leave. Think about it. You are a scientist, right?

Russell in the Diary Room: "Jeff, that was a dumb move. If I go home, you're next."

And that just might be true.

See you on Thursday.

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to see how this is gonna turn out yo, you're so right, if Jeff's not careful his ship will sink next round...
