Friday, August 21, 2009

#57 - Hung - Season 1, Episode 6

Ray meets Jemma outside of an office building for another "session". He asks what they're doing this time. She responds "Don't ask me that." Okay, fine. They go inside.

Turns out they're visting Jemma's therapist, and Ray's name is now "Jim". She goes over-the-top with some weird psycho-babble, and none of us (including the therapist, I assume) knows what's going on. Then they leave.

Back outside, Ray tries to find out what that was all about. Jemma tells him it doesn't matter. And I'm thinking, Ray, you better run like the wind. But she pays him.

Ray goes to see Tanya, and she is livid that he arranged a session with the client, and the client had the nerve to pay him directly. "She broke protocol!" Ray promises to talk to Jemma about the rules. I'm thinking he has no intention of doing so.

Scene with Jessica and Ronnie. Jess: "I wanna talk about money." Ron: "We lost 40%". Jess: "Forty percent of WHAT?", that's the issue. She has no idea where they stand. When she keeps pressing, he gets snippy, and tells her she COULD get a job. She turns away and brushes her hair in extreme irritation.

Tanya goes to Jemma's workplace, where it appears that she is the Chief Executive Officer of Domination, judging by the way all of her little minions leap into action at the tiniest look from her. Tanya tries to explain what the process should be with this "stud for hire" deal.

Jemma, of course, is not impressed with anyone telling her what to do, especially sad little people with bad perms. So she's rude. "What if I just ignore you?" The discussion escalates, and in an out-of-character move on Tanya's part, being bold for once, she "fires" Jemma.

Um, not really sure that you can fire a client, but still impressed with Tanya standing her ground. Then they both stomp off in different directions.

The kids are over at Ray's crispy shack, with Ray trying to get Damon to pick out a car, but he's pushing Damon toward cheap crappy cars that he's probablhy not the least bit interested in. Tanya pops in, and Ray gets a little bent out of shape, what with the kids there and all.

Ray, it's not like she walked in with a sign saying "Daddy has sex for money! Yay!" Chill.

They go off to the side, and during the uncomfortable discussion, Tanya tells Ray that she fired Jemma. Oh boy. It's agreed that Ray will talk to Jemma and make her do the right thing.

Then we have Jessica and her troll of a mother snooping in Ronnie's home office. Jessie's not so keen on this operation, but Mom is insistent. They eventually find out that Ronnie was telling the truth, and there's been an $800K stock loss. Well then.

Jemma arranges another meeting with Ray, and of course she doesn't go through Tanya. (Jemma: "She's crazy!" Uh, kettle black?) They have an odd conversation where it's clear that Jemma is really digging for personal details on Ray, even offering to pay him for info. (Ray: "You think I'm a whore?" That would be yes, Ray.)

He tries to hold back but eventually spills quite a bit, including the fact that he's a high school coach. Instinct tells me this will not turn out to be a good thing in the end.

Short scene of Tanya curled up in bed watching an old movie, "Nanook of the North." There's probably some symbolism here, but it flew right over my head.

Then we end the episode with several scenes centered around Ray coaching at this latest basketball game. First, it's just Ray doing his thing, with Jessica and the kids watching from the bleachers. Even though Jessica typically never comes to his games, so we know she's there for some big revelation.

Then Tanya wanders in, and runs into Damon in a hallway, and they are soon joined by Jessica and Darby traipsing back from the concession stand. Damon introduces Tanya as "dad's friend", and Jessica is quite intrigued. So they decide to all sit together in the bleachers.

Ray, scanning said bleachers, is thrilled to see that he is being watched by his ex-wife, his kids, "and my pimp". Up in those bleachers, Jessica is pumping Tanya for information, but because she doesn't understand the real Tanya/Ray relationship, Jessica doesn't get much juice.

Then Jemma waltzes through the doors.

Ray: "I wanted to win while she watched." (These people are in serious need of validation, all of them.)

So Ray marches over to his team, and gives a really rousing speech. (Something he should have been doing all along. Just saying.) So of course the team is all inspired, and they race out and win the game by one point. Naturally.

Then Ray walks over and gets into a lip-lock with Jemma, for all to see. Lots of stunned faces.

Especially Tanya. She MAD. She corners him a bit later. "You told her who you ARE. We could go to jail!" Ray's not worried. He thinks he's got it under control. Tanya sighs and goes off somehwere to mope.

A bit later, Ray and Jemma are standing in front of the trophy case at the high school, said case being full of awards and worship for Ray. They get all romantic, sort of. Ray: "You wanna go steady? Maybe I won't charge you any more." Jemma: "Then it wouldn't be as much fun."

Kiss and fade out.

Don't have a good feeling about this.

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