Sunday, August 23, 2009

#61 - True Blood - Season 2, Episode 10

We start off with another dream sequence, where Sookie is encountering a seductive Eric and she is all a quiver with thoughts of him sinking his fangs into her. So much for Sookie thinking she can avoid this little side effect of sucking bullets out of Eric's chest.

Then we have Sookie and Eric heading back to Bon Temps, with Bill nestled in one of those "Anubis Air" casket thingies. They roll into town, and discover that the place is a mess, with weird-eyed townsfolk acting all crazy and getting hit by cars.

Cut to Mary Ann and Eggs and the butler guy at Sookie's house, building this huge thing that includes cuts of prime meat and feathers, and sure looks like something you would use to sacrifice unappreciative people in a randy ceremony.

Then we're over at Deputy Andy's, where he's just arrived with some supplies for the formerly naked Sam. Andy's a bit drunk, so Sam has to explain to him again that Mary Ann is this demon creature thing, that she's immortal, has super powers, and desperately wants Sam. Andy wonders why she would want him so. Sam is not certain, but he's sure that part of it involves a need to "cut out my heart while a bunch of naked people watch."

Then Sam gets a call from Arlene. She's at Merlotte's and she is really, really scared. If Sam had any sense, he would realize that if evil people were trying to find him, they would probably look for him at Merlotte's. After all, that's where they staged Daphne for him to find, and that didn't work out so well, did it? But no, Sam and Andy head to Merlotte's.

Sookie, Bill and Jason arrive at Bill's house, where they find Jessica, Hoyt, and, interestingly enough, Hoyt's momma. Momma is all weird-eyed, and not being a very pleasant guest. She's racing around, saying filthy things about everybody and just being rude.

Hoyt tries to explain the latest happenings around town and, although everyone seems to have gone off the rails, the hot spots appear to be Sookie's house and Merlotte's.

Sookie and Bill head to her house, and Jason heads to Merlotte's, despite Sookie's misgivings on that ("This would be one of those times to use your head") and the fact that part of the reason Jason is headed to Merlotte's is that apparently a new waitress has been hired while he was off serving God. Despite the fact that said waitress (Daphne) is now dead and has been served as an entree.

Sam and Andy arrive at Merlotte's, and it's a total trap, as we all expected. They manage to barricade themselves in the freezer, but not before Andy grabs a bottle of liquor just before the door slams shut.

Cut to Tara, bound to a chair at Lafayette's, while Laff and Mom try to talk some sense into her. Tara all crazy and mean. Mom prays for her and, surprisingly, Laff prays as well. ("Just because YOU may not like what I do don't mean I don't talk to Jesus.")

Did anybody on the far right hear that last line? Just checking.

Sookie and Bill arrive at Sookie's house, notice the sacrifice tree thing in the yard, and discover the house is a mess. Laff calls Sookie. "Where are you? Get OUT of that house!"

Mary Ann saunters into the room. "What are you doing in MY house?" Sookie is not well about that. "YOUR house?" But the cat fight is not fairly balanced, what with Mary Ann being immortal and all, and Mary Ann slams Sookie into the wall.

Bill, of course, fangs out about that and attacks Mary Ann, ripping into her throat. What's this? Her blood is all black and nasty, and Bill weakens. Then Sookie jumps back into it, and when she touches Mary Ann's forehead, there's a weird light power that shoots out and pushes Mary Ann back. Really? What is THAT all about?

No time for analysis, as Sookie races out the door with Bill. But Mary Ann is very intrigued with the light show, wondering aloud "What ARE you?" as Sookie and Bill zip off into the night.

Quick scene with Sam and Andy bonding over the booze bottle as they wait for their circumstances to change while trapped in the freezer at Merlotte's.

Jason and his ammo from Light of Day arrive at Merlotte's. He encounters total sex mayhem taking place all over the bar. (The old guy with the young chippie on the pool table? I won't sleep tonight.) Everybody basically ignores his weaponry until Jason has a moment of inspiration and grabs Arlene as a hostage, threatening to kill her unless they get the hell out.

The weird-eyed masses just laugh, but we see Terry's eyes clear just a bit when he realizes it's Arlene in jeopardy. (Hmmm. Does Mary Ann's power diminish when true love is involved? Just asking.) Terry, who is the self-appointed sergeant in this unit, orders everyone to leave, and they do.

Scene with Sookie barrelling down a highway, while Bill is puking Mary Ann's bad blood out the window. He takes a break long enough to offer some insight: "Tara's been under the influence of Mary Ann. Maybe she can help."

Back at Merlotte's, Jason gets Andy and Sam out of the freezer, just as Terry and his crew come back in for round two. They want Sam. Surprisingly, Sam gives himself up just to save Jason and Andy.

Back over to Lafayette's pad, where Tara is chanting in a foreign language and he and Tara's mom are having no success. Laff: "This is the worst intervention in history."

Just then, a little V-addict knocks on Laff's door looking for a score. Bill and Sookie have just arrived, and when Bill hears this exchange he zips up to the house to kick some pusher ass. Laff to Bill: "Hold up. Eric has me selling this." Another layer to the Bill and Eric onion.

Sookie goes inside with Tara, and tries to read her. It's all dark, she can't see anything. Bill: "Go further than ever." Sook: "There's an abyss I can't cross." Bill: "I will glamour her."

Back to Merlotte's, the angry mob is tying Sam to a truck. Then suddenly bright lights fill the sky (they're just flares from Jason's Light of Day stock) and there's Jason trying to act like the god that all these blood-eyed people are waiting for. They are in awe.

Sam, realizing the gig, begs Jason/God to smite him. It takes dim Jason a bit to figure out what Sam is saying, then he does as requested and performs smite-like actions. Sam uses the ruse to transition into a fly and buzz away. Jason, not sure what's going on, then tells the blood-eyed disciples, "You're all blessed. Now go." They do.

Back at Laff's, Bill's glamour has worked, and Sookie is in Tara's head. She sees all the Mary Ann shenanigans, including the lusty rituals and the heart entree. Something snaps and Tara is back with us.

Tara bonds with Mom and Laff, she's been such a bad girl, please forgive. But wait, "I gotta go get Eggs!" Laff stops her. Girl, we got bigger fish to fry.

Sookie pulls Bill to the side. "It's Mary Ann!" With her eating hearts, and wanting souls, and this chant thing that goes blah, blah, blah. Bill recognizes the chant, something he read about Bacchus during his long life of boredom that comes with being a vampire where there are years with nothing to do. Bill didn't really believe all that mess until now.

Bill tells Sookie that he's headed off to meet with someone that might be able to help. In the mean time, Sookie should try to keep her friends safe, and "stay away from your home." Then he's off.

Cut over to Bill's house, where Jessica and Hoyt are still dealing with his mom being a vulgar and rude guest. Mom keeps spewing filth until Jessica has had enough. The fangs come out, and she feeds on Mom. Uh oh.

Final scene, Bill has arrived at some lavish estate. High-tech security is everywhere. They seem to be expecting him, and he is promptly ushered in. He enters some type of greeting chamber thing, and all we see is him spying someone's foot with blood dripping from it.

And cut.

What the hell?

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