Monday, September 21, 2009

#75 - Big Brother - Season 11, Episode 27

We start off with Natalie still parading around in that dumb-ass costume she wore for the Nomination Ceremony, babbling about how Michele is her real target.

Michele on Natalie’s nomination speech: “I don’t know what the heck the show was about.”

I hear ya.

Kevin in the Diary Room: “I’m playing a ruse on Natalie as well.”

Then we have a scene with Natalie really working Jordan, pushing hard for Michele to go home (despite Nat claiming during the nomination ceremony that she was after Kevin). Jordan’s not buying it. “I’m going to stick with Michele.”

Kevin and Natalie, with Kevin all blue about the POV competition. “If I don’t win, I go home.” That’s right, pal. And you’ve got Nutty Natty in the freak show outfit to blame for that.

We get to the POV competition, and of course Nat can’t play because she gave up the chance to do so in order to spend a few minutes with her oddly wimpy boyfriend. (Still amazed that he was in tears while proposing to her, while Natalie just stood there like she was waiting for him to pass a kidney stone.)

This competition involves matching up house guest names based on clues, one of those things. We get to see lots of scenes with Jordan just not figuring things out and making no progress at all, poor thing. So this one’s a race between Kevin and Michele, and it’s pretty tight, but Kevin pulls it off.

Immediately afterward, in the kitchen, Natalie races down from her temporary banishment in the HOH Room, with celebration drinks just for her and Kevin. Jordan and Michele just have to sit there while they whoop it up. Natalie truly believes that she has already won the whole thing and isn’t even bothering to be polite. She’s just wrong on so many levels.

Kevin in the Diary Room: “I can’t win against Natalie, with all her friends in the Jury House.” Well, Kev, not so sure about that. Things are kind of brewing over there.

Short scene with Kevin and Natalie, with Kevin forcing Natalie to swear that they are still tight. Look, Kevin, you’re lying to her about your intentions. Do you really think she’s not lying as well? Quit twirling around and think about it.

Kevin meets with Michele, but he hems and haws and won’t come out with what he wants to say. So Michele pushes it: “What’s up?” Kevin fesses “I don’t want Natalie to win this game.” Neither does Michele, so your point is? But he wanders off.

Natalie tells Jordan that she’s completely safe, Kevin will not put her up, no question about it. Then Natalie flounces off to irritate someone else, and Jordan is left sitting there with an expression that either means “I hope she gets hit by a bus” or “Can anyone tell me what time it is?”

Kevin and Michele again, but this time Michele is on the offensive, telling Kevin “If you keep me this week and I drop before the end, you get my vote. If I leave this week, you DON’T get my vote. Good for her. Hell, she’s got nothing to lose at this point.

Then we have a few scenes with Kevin showing mental anguish over the whole trauma of deciding who to send home. I don’t really care, sorry.

Julie talking to Natalie in the HOH Room. Julie: “You’ve told a lot of lies in this house. Who are you loyal to?” Natalie: “It’s always been Kevin.” (Hold up. Always? Girl, just a few days ago you would have happily given up your first-born just to have Jessie look in your direction and smile.) “He totally helped me.”

We get to the POV Ceremony, and Kevin uses it to save himself, natch. Jordan, of course, has to go up on the block, being the only possibility left. Since this is also a fast-track eviction, Michele and Jordan have to give their “save me” speeches.

Jordan is first, and actually babbles way too much. She’s much better when she sticks to the point (assuming she has one), says something really charming, and then smiles.

Michele, however, puts on some fake devil horns that she had conveniently tucked in the seat beside her, and really goes after Kevin, promising to rile the Jury House up if he sends her home. Again, she’s coming on strong because she really doesn’t have any other choice.

And of course, Kevin votes to send her home. Now, there are pros and cons for Kevin to send either one of the two home. But Kevin is weak. He is not going to go against what Natalie wants. Period.

Then Kevin, Natalie and Jordan race outside to begin Part I of the final HOH Competition. This involves the three of them standing on a giant log, clutching giant keys over their hands. They must keep one hand on the key at all times. And then the log starts rolling…

Things don’t look real spiffy for Jordan at this point, competitions are not her strong point. Then again, competitions are not Natalie’s strong point either. Hmmm. This could be interesting.

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