Thursday, July 16, 2009

#26 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 3

So we start with your standard reaction montage of folks dealing with the fresh nominations:

Lydia keeps trying NOT to get all emotional, but still does anyway, or maybe it’s just that some of the three tons of mascara got in her eye. She races to her room, and half the house follows to offer comfort.

Those not offering a shoulder? The two teams responsible for this week’s supposed “pawn-zi” scheme, the ruling Athletes and their trembling partners, the Brainiacs. Over in Brain camp, Chima is all frustrated over the love being shown Lydia cause “no one’s pulling for me”. Honey, they’re scared of your lips.

In Jock Camp, the athletes are all proud of themselves, although slightly confused about why they don’t seem to be very popular at the moment. (Oh please.) Then they realize,“Hey, JEFF is in there consoling Lydia. Isn’t he on our team? I think so. Oh look, Cheetos!”

Laura expresses relief that she dodged a bullet. With those structurally-engineered dual air bags? Girl, you aren’t dodging anything without the help of a hydraulic crane to lower you down. Laura also wants everyone to know that they shouldn’t hate her because she’s beautiful, she can’t help the way she looks.

Casey, in the Diary Room, is over Laura’s “hard being beautiful” business. “You can’t help how you look? You couldn’t help yourself deciding to put in implants?”

Russell removes any doubt about the possibility that he’s a complete jerk simply by…. speaking at all. Every word out of his mouth is narcissistic crap.

Ronnie, comforting Chima and her lips, can’t help but brag that he can help save her because he’s a “national champion of persuasive speaking”. What the hell? He’s got to be making that up. And if he’s the champion, can you imagine the runner-up?

Leading up to the Power of Veto competition, in the part where they pick players and everyone pretends like it’s an innocent pep rally instead of life or death, Chima pulls a “player’s choice” token from the bag, and she chooses Natalie. From the Athlete team that NOMINATED her. Cut to close-ups of her ignored Brainiac team members with their mouths open.

Then we have the actual competition, a lovely romp named “Pop Goes the Veto”, where we have a giant face out in the courtyard, covered with monster zits. Such artistry and class. The object is for players to race around, pop the zits, grab the letter tiles inside, and spell the longest word they can. You have 10 minutes. Go!

Interestingly, most of the players first come up with a long-ass word, and then race around looking for specific tiles, abandoning those that don’t work. Russell seems to be the only one who realizes the best strategy is to grab as many tiles as you can and THEN make a word. And poor Natalie. She fell a lot, and judging by the confusion on her face as she stared at some of the tiles, she’s never actually seen the full alphabet.

End result: Jessie misspells “continuously”. Jeff correctly spells a word that only exists in his mind. Natalie manages to spell “last”, probably a personal best. Chima and Lydia don’t find all the letters for their otherwise good word choices. Russell spells “shotgun”, a disappointment considering he had roughly 350 letters in his bucket, but his word is long enough to win.

Russell is very impressed with his accomplishment, and christens himself “Shotgun Russell, the Love Muscle” in the Diary Room. Blech.

Russell lies to Lydia, telling her it was Jessie and Natalie that put her up.

And Russell decides to go after Jeff and make him look like an idiot. He goes around the house, screaming negative things, and there is the inevitable confrontation in the courtyard. Russell is out of control and out of line. But I did find it interesting that no one tried to stop this, even though it was unfair and one-sided. And actually, Natalie and JEFF then get into it over the whole thing. And Jeff ends up being the bad guy in THAT fight. Russell has succeeded in his mission.

Russell completely sucks.

Lydia, desperate, networks with Jessie and Natalie and Russell to save herself. She seems to make some inroads, and even suggests they put up Braden. Everybody likes him, he’s dangerous. Lydia then wanders off, presumably because she notices a square inch of her flesh that doesn’t have a tattoo, and she needs to address that immediately.

The jocks discuss, and decide that the Braden route just might be worth traveling.

Russell, still a jerk, shares the change of plans with Ronnie, so the Brainiacs will be behind the effort. Ronnie, still delusional, thinking he’s SO smooth, immediately runs to tell Jeff and Jordan, and eventually Braden himself.

Russell is sniffing around the house, watches the houseguest interaction, and actually figures out that Braden somehow knows. (The only thing more dangerous than an obnoxious jerk in the Big Brother house is a jerk who might actually have a few brain cells.) Russell confronts Ronnie, Ronnie lies, Russell reports his findings to Jessie, blah, blah, blah, lots of close-ups of anguished faces as the Veto Ceremony approaches.

At the ceremony, Lydia gushes her love for Russell, Chima semi-gushes, (interesting side shot of Natalie practically licking Russell as he speaks. Oh really?) Russell pulls Lydia off, and Jessie fingers Braden. Now on the chopping block: Zen and the Art of Lipstick Maintenance.


(Did I mention that Russell is a jerk?)

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