Sunday, July 26, 2009

#32 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Number 7

Opening shot of Kevin being a queen. Big surprise. Over him.

Then Ronnie babbling in what he thinks is his macho voice, saying Russell is on his hitlist. Oh really? Shouldn't that have been the situation, say, a week ago?

Jordan is sweet on Jeff. ("He's a boy version of me!") They ARE cute together, and they have TWO different accents, which, in this day and age, makes them more than qualified to have their own TV show.

Then we have the big showdown.

Laura goes to Ronnie, trying to work a deal to save her butt. She doesn't really say anything that anyone else in that position wouldn't say. She's fair, and just offers herself as a better ally than Jordan. Then she dashes off.

Ronnie calls some of his gangstas up to the HOH Room (mostly the girls, cause, you know, he's still working his way up to being a man himself) to discuss the Laura and Jordan thing. Ronnie, because he's so deluded and actually thinks that he is so incredibly smart that everyone will believe anything that comes out of his mouth, tells a flat-out lie about Laura and Russell.

His girl-peeps aren't buying it. In fact, Natalie has had enough and races out of the room to investigate this information. (Side note: Is Natalie somehow becoming the loosest cannon in this season's cast? Just throwing that out there.)

Natalie goes to Jessie, Jessie goes to Russell, Russell goes to Laura, and suddenly everybody's running everywhere until they all manage to get in the same room. (Which takes a bit, because these people are not the sharpest tools, but anyway.) And then they all let loose.

On Ronnie. He is totally busted. Most of his lies come out, and a lot of anger. These people are not happy. And Ronnie is unable to defend himself. Because he can't. He has lied all over the place and back again. (Not that others haven't lied, but Ronnie seemed hell-bent on breaking some kind of record for deception. Did I mention that he's delusional?)

Ronnie, the supposedly award-winning negotiator extraordinaire, only manages to hem and haw, tries to lie some more, and then tries leaving the room. To no avail. (Laura in the Diary Room: "I may be going home but I'm gonna take him down with me." You go, girl. Casey in the DR about Ronnie: "the square root of all evil".)

Russell is clearly the most invested in this little shakedown, following Ronnie everywhere he goes and tormenting him. A few houseguests (big-cannon Jessie and loose-cannon Natalie) think Russell goes a little far, but most of the house is all for it.

And how does Ronnie respond to being caught in his lies. As expected, he's completely mature about it. He goes up to the HOH Room, locks the door, and stays there.

For two days.

Two DAYS, people. Living on candy and dust bunnies. Crying, hugging his pillow, wondering what he did wrong. Classic case of a spoiled man-child not knowing what to do when he's held accountable for his reckless actions. His tears did not move me at all. Reaping what you sow and all that.

In the HOH Room just before the eviction vote, Ronnie tells Julie that his allegiance is with the athletes (ya think?) and that there's an "underlying tone of sympathy" in the house for him. "Five are with me."

There MIGHT have been five at one time, Ron-Boy. But now your pants are down. Yes, you could possibly be strategically used for a bit by a creative player, but Darth Ronnie will soon be written out of the script.

And what up with Julie during that interview? You would think the producers would be a little ticked off that one of the players willfully pulled themselves out of the game for two days. But no, Jules just stands there, offering idle chit chat while making sure the cameras capture her lastest cute pregnancy outfit.

So we get to the eviction, it's 8 to 1, and Laura goes home, just as it's finally become clear that she is smarter than the twins would indicate. She was on to Ronnie from way back in the day.

The we have the HOH competition. And Jessie wins.

Jessie, the one person in the house that might keep Ronnie around for a while, because Jessie has benefitted from Ronnie's scheming and plotting and lying. Then again, Jessie has to weigh the fact that if he DOESN'T put Ronnie up, there's a whole mess of house that will be targeting HIM next week. Hmmm.

What Would Jessie Do?

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