Wednesday, July 22, 2009

#31 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 6

First we have a Diary Room scene with Laura, who repeats that Ronnie is a rat, but also fully fesses up that she was an idiot to trust him at all and is therefore just as responsible. Laura keeps growing on me, despite my continual amazement at the silicone hardware that she’s packing.

Then we have Ronnie the Rat in the Diary Room, clarifying for all that he fully intends to backdoor Russell. Uh huh.

Jordan: “This house is a NUT house.”

Then Ronnie sets off on a mission to do some spin control. He first approaches Jeff, trying to convince him that things aren’t what they seem. (Jeff responds with, basically, everything out of you has been a lie so don’t tell me anything.) Then Ronnie approaches Laura in the courtyard, explaining that she has to “believe I have a master plan.” Laura is polite, but doesn’t buy a word of it.

Russell decides that he needs to pretend he’s friends with the other side of the house. So he moseys out in the courtyard and tries to play it off with the other side that he’s sick of all his team strategizing and whatnot. They sort of buy it, but nobody signs anything.

So I’m guessing that Russell decided he needed to ramp up this plot device, and viciously attacks Lydia where all can hear. (You may recall that Lydia is no longer on my buddy list, so it was fun from that angle.) But I’m not sure if this was a brilliant PR move or a faux pas.

Lydia immediately races to Ronnie and wants to backdoor Russell. Kevin wanders in to the conversation, but is not fully supportive of the idea, although he works extra hard to ensure that we see his ass in tight jeans. Tramp.

Sidebar with Jeff and Jordan, where it’s made very clear that telling time, and math in general, are not Jordan’s strong suit.

Casey and Chima watch the movie they won in the Luxury competition. They hate each other, so it’s a big ole mess of pretension and fake laughter. And some popcorn.

Then we have the drawing of the players for the Power of Veto competition. Is it just me, or is anyone else out there wondering why almost every name drawn so far this season has been someone from the Athletes clique. What are the odds? Surely the producers aren’t messing around with that, are they? Hmmm.

So we get to the POV competition. This thing drags out WAY too long, nearly half of the show. We get it, producers. Coinstar clearly paid some big bucks for this gig, as evidenced by the hundreds of shots of houseguests salivating at the possibility of using a Coinstar machine. Nobody said anything funny, it was really boring, and I went to the bathroom twice just for something to pass the time.

But Jeff eventually won the competition. So now it’s all up to Ronnie to pay it forward.

So what does Ronnie do? He starts pulling in everybody, telling each of them not to say a word, even though everybody knows because he can’t keep his mouth shut, talking all big about how Russell’s ass is on the line. He even talks to Jessie, who is obviously not going to be behind back-dooring Russell. Well, at least not in this particular interpretation of the phrase.

What IS clear from all these sidebars is that everybody in the house wants Russell out. Except Jessie. And maybe Kevin, because he’s focused on the OTHER interpretation of backdoor. Not being mean, cause I’m on the same team with Kevin, but why is it that Kevin is super supportive of everything Lydia does until it comes to getting rid of Russell? Just sayin.

So we get to the POV ceremony. Jeff obviously takes himself off the block. And Ronnie puts up Jordan.

What the hell?

I said it in the last review, and I’ll repeat it. Ronnie is the classic case of the high school nerd that is so invested in appearing cool to the jocky BMOC’s that he will do anything to win their approval. There can be no other explanation. It was very clear that the house wanted Russell gone. He went against that.

It’s disappointing that either Laura or Jordan will go home (probably Laura), when others are much more deserving. But at least the foundation has been laid for the eviction of Ronnie. I may be wrong, and he may squeak by for a bit, but he ain’t gonna win.

Unless the producers want him to.


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