Sunday, July 19, 2009

#27 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 4

Ronnie is a jerk. Let me get that on the record. Never mind the delusional fantasies running through his mind, this guy is a manipulative loose cannon.

Russell is a jerk. I'm sure that was clear in the last posting, but it's worth repeating, yes?

Braden suspects that Lydia is behind his nomination. Bingo. But what he does about that insight is critical.

Chima: "I feel assurance that I'm safe." Assurance? Who talks like that? You're on the dang block. Starting to move beyond my irritation with her lips and hair, and moving this hussy into the "really don't like her" category.

Then we have Lydia. My, how things have changed. Really liked her at first. But then, last episode, she worked her way into saving her own ass and getting Braden put on the block. Gave me some heartburn, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

But now, it's clear that Lydia has had one piercing too many. She actually goes after completely innocent Jordan, totally lying about her own involvement in the shift change on the block. What the hell? Lydia, sweetie, you STARTED this mess.

Then Russell, who has no morals whatsover, stirs up Braden against Lydia. Big ole catfight between Braden and Lydia/Kevin in the courtyard. Lydia lying out her ass, with Kevin (I'm just assuming here) not aware that Lydia is a liar, and sticking up for her. Then Braden goes too far and throws his drink on Kevin, and peeps, it is all ON at this point.

Side Note: Although I can't stand him and it pains me to admit it, but Russell sure has a way of picking a flashpoint and stoking it, yet escaping any attention for his stoking. Arrogant little steroid boy is probably going to go far, because he IS playing the game. With hormonal Natalie lustily cheering him on the entire way.

Side Note, Part II: They producers have finally, at least for now, abandoned the "Jessie Brother" angle. We didn't see any more of Jessie than we did other folks during this episode. Perhaps some bored producer read all the blogs out there and realized people don't like Jessie? Just sayin.

Off-my-love-pedestal Lydia continues berating Jordan. And Jordan has had enough and bites back, Southern girl DOES have a backbone, and more power to her. Still, Lydia insists on spewing crap that makes no sense whatsoever. Really, rewind and listen to her inane babbling. Nonsense.

Jordan and Laura hatch a plan to save Braden. They run to Ronnie (poor girls, you just don't know what we know, and there's the show in a nutshell) who promises to help with the plan. ("I completely control Michelle." Can't STAND him.) Then they rush around to the other sympathetic houseguests and cross their fingers.

Casey: "I'm the swing vote!" If only that were true, buddy. As we soon see.

The pre-vote interview between Julie and Jessie in the HOH room, which is completely boring and useless, confirms that the producers are, at least for now, done with Jessie. He was just a ratings stunt to draw viewers in. (It would be a happier world if they had realized that nobody likes Jessie, and an alternative plan would have been even better.)

Just before the eviction vote, during the "say something to save your ass" bit, Chima calls Braden a racist and a misogynist. She is totally hateful, and clearly not watching the same show that we are. Girl stupid.

So we get to the vote, and, big surprise, Ronnie switches gears and votes to evict Braden, which results in a tie and Jessie has to decide who goes. Of course Braden has to leave. And that worthless skank Chima is a smug little bitch about it (yes, I said it, cause she is), with Lydia continuing the denial of her own culpability and sucker Kevin (or just hateful Kevin, we shall see) falling in line with Lydia.

Then we're off to the HOH competition. A "how did America vote about you" kind of thing, with Julie having a tough time seeing who lights up first to answer, and so do we. Who hired the lame people who designed THIS hot mess? Don't you people have this down by now?

And of all people, Ronnie wins. Sinking feeling in the gut, cause he nasty.

1 comment:

  1. Hot mess. That about sums this one up. But who stays tuned, anxiously biting her fingernails, to hear the next piece of b/s out of any of their mouths?

    uh. (raising my hand)
