Thursday, July 30, 2009

#37 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 10

We start out with Casey in the Diary Room, after the POV ceremony where his banana self was put up on the block by Jessie after Michelle saved her butt. "Where's the outrage?" he wants to know. Me too. Why are these people just bending over?

Jeff in the Diary Room: "I don't know what's going on." Well, I would think by this point you should realize that you can't trust Jessie. Hello?

Jessie in the Diary Room: "Casey's a bigger threat." Bigger threat than... Ronnie? Dude, he may have given you a solid in the past, but Darth Ronnie has some major psychological issues. Put down the steroids, get away from the skanky ho's that just wanna bang ya, and think about this. You weren't the least bit focused on Casey until Nat the Rat, with her hormones racing, turned your head in his direction. What kind of strategy is that?

Jordan in the Diary Room: She's the only one that showed any attitude during the POV ceremony about Jessie being a lame-ass. She challenged the smirking Ronnie with "what are you looking at?" Jordan explains that she had to stop herself from saying to Ronnie "you are Jessie's BITCH." Word UP.

Jeff in the courtyard with Jordan and Casey, about Jessie: "You don't hide behind sunglasses" when you're shafting somebody. Agreed, thought the same when Jessie sauntered into the POV ceremony with those shades, knew right away he wasn't going after Ronnie. Jessie's a big bunch of nothing when it comes to playing it like a man.

But Jeff, why didn't you share those thoughts with the rest of the house? Everybody's running from Jessie, hiding. Draw a line in the sand, man.

Then we have some night-vision scenes where Lydia apparently sneaks into Jessie's HOH room and watches him sleep. She wonders if he's "thinking about me." She also babbles about how he's in a vulnerable state when he's asleep, that if he ever pisses her off she could take revenge during these nocturnal visits.

Okay, A, Lydia is ate up with the crazy. Girl is screwed in the head.

B, what's up with the BB producers thinking this is okay? Letting someone stalk someone else in their sleep? Oh wait, that's right, this is all for ratings. My bad. Things that would normally result in a restraining order in the real world are okay as long as there are cameras and advertising revenues.

Finally, C, why does Jessie sleep so much? Is he tired from lugging that ego around?

Quick shot of Casey in the Diary Room with his ears outside of the banana headdress. Rolled.

Also Casey: What's up with Lydia? Jessie can have another bitch in his bed but she'll still make him breakfast.

Casey talking to Russell: "Do you have your own vote, or do you gotta do what Daddy says?" The look on Russell's face shows that he is none too happy with that remark, but Casey is dead on. Casey digs a little deeper: "You're number 4" in that group. Russell: "I'm number 2." Oh really? Casey: "Do you really think he's going to send Natalie home before you? Me, you, and Jeff could do some damage" up in here.

Casey's a good guy. A little weird, but he doesn't put up with the crap. Which is why he'll probably go home. And here's the point where I go off on the BB producers once again. Why are they so unfair? Why bring in an extra player for one "clique"? Of COURSE that clique is going to rule, because they have an unfair advantage in numbers. Which is exactly what has happened this season.

Then we have a side story, where we meet Jeff and Jordan's respective families, to see what they think about the (for once) chaste and sweet budding romance on the show. It's pretty clear that both Mom's would sacrifice body organs to make a marriage happen. Jordan's mom: "They'd make pretty babies." And then she wipes away the drool dripping out of her mouth.

Great. Let's make it about the physical appearance of the offspring and not about, say, whether or not they would be happy together. Geez.

Then we get to the Eviction Ceremony and-

Oh my GAWD what did Lydia do to her hair? How did she possibly get it to stand up like that? Was there a nuclear blast?

Julie Chenbot tries to stir it up by asking Jessie, Natalie and Lydia about their apparent love triangle, and the bitterness spilling out of that. All three act like nothing is going on. The remaining houseguests all stare at them like medication is in order. Julie pushes again. But all three just sit there and deny, with Lydia's sand-blasted hair scraping the ceiling and probably causing structural damage.

Then we get to the "Save Me" speeches by the eviction nominees. Jordan is sweet, as expected. Casey is having none of the sweetness. He blasts Ronnie the "dorkapotamous", tears into Jessie, and calls most of the houseguests "mindless sheep" for following those two. It's thrilling, because he's right, but you know at this point it's a lost cause. These people really are sheep. Just once, it would be great to see the house turn based on somebody's impassioned speech during the eviction.

Wait, will the BB producers allow that? Probably not. My bad.

So Casey is voted out, with the sole dissenting vote coming from Russell. Very interesting. (Side note: Lydia thinks it's cute to wear a fake mustache and speak in a weird accent while voting in the Diary Room. This is not real to her. Completely done with that skank.)

As Casey is leaving, he speaks his mind again, on TARGET again, and Nat the Rat can't help but jump in and defend Jessie, hormones throbbing. (Jessie doesn't say squat, because really, rational thought and debate is totally alien to him. He fondles his pecs and wonders where his sunglasses are.)

Casey to Natalie: "Go make him a sandwich." Priceless.

During the exit interview, Julie prods Casey: "Why didn't you figure it out?" And Casey comes back with "I trusted Jessie." Okay, I've shown the love for Casey, but now comes the bad cop part, for Casey and everybody who has been on or is trying to get on this show:

Do you people not actually WATCH the show?


If you do, you know what Jessie is all about. Why would you trust him? Why would you trust ANYBODY, but especially Jessie. If you wanna do that, then GO home. Bye.

Anyway, Julie then breaks the announcement to the remaining houseguests that the cliques are done. No more team salvation, everyone is on his own.

Oh, and there's another twist. A "mystery power", wherein one player will have the "coup d'etat" (that sound you hear is Jeff and Jordan trying to find a dictionary), the ability to overthrow the HOH's wishes by replacing one or BOTH (I re-wound to make sure) of the nominees just before the actual eviction vote.

Wow. Pretty serious. And this power is good for two weeks, meaning two evictions. (It can only be used once, though.)

It could really shake things up. Trouble is, the person who is going to have this special power will be determined by America's vote. And there are just as many sheep in America at large as there are in the BB house. So chances are strong that some dumbass like JESSIE will win the vote.

We'll see.

So then everybody shuffles out to the courtyard for the HOH competition. They all have to climb on this round thing with swings, and then it spins around. And whacks them against a giant foam diploma. And then they start with the fake rain.

End show.

All I'm saying is, I'd like to see Jeff, Jordan or Michelle win this thing. I really don't care about anybody else at this point. Sayin.

Tune in Sunday.

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