Sunday, July 19, 2009

#28 - "Big Brother" - Season 11, Episode 5

We start with Casey in the Diary Room: "Somebody switched out!" Well yeah, now whatcha gonna do?

Ronnie in the Diary Room: "I'm gonna throw Michelle under the bus." And then he proclaims himself Darth Ronnie. Can't ANYBODY in this house see him for what he is?

Why yes, somebody can. Laura fully realizes that he's a jerk and playing both sides, but she can't say anything because he's HOH. Hello? What's a girl to do?

Chima, in full diva mode, with Judas Lydia at her side, is trying to figure out who voted for her to leave. Michelle fully fesses up, (you GO, girl), and Chima goes left, hands waving and reality-denying words spewing out of her mouth. Chima is seriously delusional about her worth to society.

In the Diary Room, Russell actually gives kudos to Ronnie for playing them all. Again, Russell is apparently not stupid, but I still can't stand him, and at the end of the day smarts do not compensate for the fact that you're an arrogant buttwipe.

Cut to scene with Ronnie and the Athletes, wherein Ronnie plays it off that he is totally in control and completely in league with them. I couldn't really focus on the details of this scene, as Jessie was massaging the feet of reclining queen Lydia. Room full of worthless people, just sayin.

Cut to scene in the courtyard, where the supposed "everybody who should have voted for Chima" posse is all camped. Casey and Laura push the issue, trying to find out who turned. Ronnie totally lies, of course. He even threatens Casey with his power as HOH. Can. Not. Stand. Ronnie.

Then we have the luxury competition, which goes on WAY too long. As usual, the BB producers were hell-bent on promoting a probably crappy movie that they were paid a bucket of money to introduce. It's BS like this that makes viewers change the channel, are you listening to me, producers? Do you have any kind of soul?

Speaking of which, and I challenge anyone in America to dispute this, was it not clear from the way Chima treated Casey during this competition, that Chima is a cold-hearted witch who is so beyond reality that she should have been voted off the show before she was even born?

So we get to the Nomination Ceremony. And Ronnie nominates Laura and Jeff. No Russell, no Natalie, no Jessie. He claims in the Diary Room that he's gunning to backdoor Russell.

Yeah, right.

Dude, you should have put at least one of those three up on the block to begin with. You cannot depend on the backdoor angle. So it's clear to me, at this point anyway, that you are one of those lame dweebs that still seeks validation in those who don't give a damn about you.

It's time to prove yourself, Darth Ronnie. Seriously.

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