Friday, October 9, 2009

#84 - "Survivor: Samoa" - Episode 4

We’re back at the Foa Foa camp right after Tribal. No one is really in a good mood, of course, but Jaison is really whining. He’s cold and he’s tired and he’s hungry. “Coming here was the worst decision of my life.”

Uh, it’s barely been two weeks. Suck it up, guy.

Next morning, Jaison and Russell are walking on the beach. Jaison is still moaning and complaining. Russell tries to get him focused, but he’s not liking how Jaison is acting.

Then we have what’s now become an obligatory sidebar, with Russell showing his ass and proving that he’s a worthless human being. “Whoever I want to be gone, is gone!”

Sure they are. Just like you wanted Ashley to go home at the last tribal. Oh wait. BEN went home instead. You’re just an ass, Russell.

Roll opening credits.

We’re now at Galu. Shambo is still hatin on her tribe because she thinks they’re all lazy and she’s doing all the work. So she makes sure to play if off like she had the best time while she was at Foa Foa. Those people were happy to have her and they love them some Shambo.

Shambo in a sidebar: “I already have a following with Foa Foa.” A following? Aren’t you being just a little bit delusional there, Big Hair? Yes, several of them thought you were pretty nifty with camp work, but I seriously doubt they will be building a shrine in your honor any time soon.

Erik pulls Shambo off to the side. He thinks that there is an Immunity Idol at both camps, and that the clues Shambo now has apply to both camps. So spill. Right then, John wakes up from one of his naps and wanders over. Amazingly, Shambo gives both of them the clues, without any hand-shaking or protection agreements.

Stupid move.

Time for tree mail, and the leader of both tribes has to pick two players to go with him on a special mission. Mick, Russell H (the bad one) and Natalie head off for Foa Foa. Russell S (basically the good Russell, but not so much anymore, keep reading.), Shambo and Dave head out for Galu.

They follow directions and find themselves waiting in a giant circle drawn in the sand of a beach. Where’s Jeff? Nowhere to be found. They look around. There’s some chickens in a wooden cage (possible Reward Challenge) and a chest on the beach with them.

Still no Jeff. Right about the time I’m thinking “well, hell, somebody grab the chickens and the chest and make a break for it,” they do just that. Shambo and Natalie snatch up the three chickens and are about to head for the hills, when Dave gets the chest open and finds instructions and some bocce balls. Dang. It’s a competition after all.

They have to shove a stick into the middle of the circle, and then each of them chunks the balls at the stick. Closest team ball to the stick, that team gets the chickens. Very simple.

So they start playing, and actually, no one is really bad at it. Foa Foa is doing slightly better, and toward the end, Russell H’s ball is the one to beat. (Which doesn’t please me. I mean, I’m all for people having things to eat, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t want Russell H to win anything. Ever.) Amazingly, on the very last throw, Dave knocks one of the team balls closer to the stick. Galu wins. Again.

Meanwhile, back at Galu, Erik is trying to find the idol based on Shambo’s clues. He sends a few of the girls off to do some pointless fruit-gathering, then ensures that the rest of the camp are either sleeping (John and Yasmine, naturally) or distracted in some other way.

Erik pokes around in the trees for a bit. (We get a quick cut scene showing that John is not actually sleeping, but appears to be spying on Erik.) Not sure how much John sees, but a short bit later Erik finds the dang idol. He then races down the beach to hide it somewhere.

Okay, I think this is a first. A member on both tribes have found an immunity idol without ever “officially” receiving any clues. How whacked is that?

Russell, Shambo and Dave arrive shortly, sporting the chicken coop with the little squawkers inside. Everyone thinks this is pretty nifty. Yay! Russell appoints Shambo to be the Keeper of the Chickens. She’s very pleased with this responsibility. (“They will give me eggs, because I will be kind to them.”)

Back at Foa Foa, Jasion is still whining.

Russell H is no longer keen on an alliance with Jaison, and decides that he’s going to team up with Natalie instead. (“She’s too stupid to beat me, and I can claim that she road my coattails the whole way.” He’s such a nice guy.) So he tracks down Natalie and promises Final Two, just like he’s done with…. Oh, just about everybody else at some point.

Natalie, in a sidebar, reveals that she’s perfectly aware that people think she’s a little slow, and she plans on using that to her advantage. Interesting.

Back at Galu, some of the guys are eyeing the chickens hungrily, thinking, screw the protein in the eggs every morning, we want us some hot wings. Just then, Shambo, diddling around with the chicken coop, manages to let one of them escape.

So the Great Chicken Race is on. Mostly it’s Erik and Shambo racing all over the island after the chicken, although the other tribe members do help out for a bit. But then the other tribe members get bored and don’t care. (And I’m thinking, people, this is Survivor. There just might come a point when you need that third chicken very, very badly.)

Then we have a scene where Yasmine just lays there and watches Kelly working really hard to open some coconuts, waiting for her to finish up so she can move in for some milk. This greatly irks Kelly, and she races off to some of the others. A bitchfest ensues where we learn that quite a few people don’t care for Yasmine and the fact that she does nothing around camp. Hmm.

Time for the Immunity Challenge.

This one involves the teams racing around an obstacle course and stacking blocks into towers that have to stand on their own while Jeff counts dramatically. There is a point where Monica, on the Galu tribe, has some trouble doing a rope walk. (The camera lingers a bit on this, and we know right away it’s going to soon be a subject of discussion.)

But otherwise, the teams are very close, and it’s pretty tense. In the end, Foa Foa finally wins an Immunity Challenge. I actually always like it when an underdog tribe finally wins, even if they are not my favorite tribe. It’s just nice to see beaten down people get a break. Then again, Russell H is on that underdog tribe, and as you know, he and I are not friends.

Back at the Galu camp, Russell S makes a beeline for Erik, making it very clear that Monica screwed up the win for them, and he wants her out. Erik seems to be in agreement.

On the other side of camp, Dave and several others are discussing a different strategy. Dave’s a little put out with Shambo (she let the damn chicken out, and she’s pretty bossy and full of herself), but the group is more focused on Yasmine. She does NOTHING.

Then another scene with Shambo racing to tell Yasmine that Monica is the target. Yasmine is all fired up about this and completely agreeing. (“I’m here to play and I did just that.”) You did?

Okay, time for an editorial break. There are some Survivor fans that think as long as you bust your ass during challenges, then you are golden. (And Yasmine does carry her load in that respect.) But I don’t go along with that. If you lay around camp and do nothing until a challenge comes up, what good are you? You are supposed to play Survivor 24X7, working and socializing and bonding with your team. Survivor is not about running really hard for 10 minutes during a competition, and then relaxing for three days.

End soapbox.

Erik runs to Russell S that there are some votes out there for Yasmine. Russell gets mad, stomping around and claiming that these people better “listen to me or there’s gonna be some serious ass-kicking.” Really? Russell, you are the team leader. You better listen to your tribe or that tribe will turn against you. I believe this is in the Player’s Handbook. Did you not get one?

Time for Tribal.

Although the discussion never gets really heated, there are some fingers pointed and people are pretty vocal. It’s very clear that there is a definite split in the tribe, with several people gunning for Monica and several gunning for Yasmine. It’s up in the air.

Votes come back, and Yasmine is booted.

During the closing credits, we see that nearly everyone voted for Yasmine, including Russell S who was so fired up that people better do what he wants. The only two who voted for Monica? Yasmine (understandable) and Shambo. Guess Shambo didn’t get the memo. Maybe her Wi-Fi doesn’t work out here….

1 comment:

  1. Maybe her Wi-Fi doesn’t work out here (rofl!)
